by Miné Salkin | Jul 13, 2010 | Uncategorized

Checking the stats and realized I hit this magical number.
Thanks to everyone who reads this blog… as scattered and disorganized as it is, I’m still quite proud!
By the way, the image above is of retro-artiste LSD hits. I may or may not condone drug use while reading my blog.
by Miné Salkin | Jul 1, 2010 | news, television

Today, the feds cracked down and shut off nine illegal piracy sites that were streaming movies and television shows for their members. It’s part of a strategy unveiled by US President Obama last week to curb global online piracy. Targeting illegal websites seemed to be the first logical step in this approach.
Amongst some of those sites included,, and a personal favourite, Many of these sites were providing bootlegs of “Toy Story 3” and other films just hours after their first screenings in cinemas.
I’m fairly certain that Ninjavideo and Ninjavideo BETA were by far the most clever sites I’ve used. It wouldn’t matter if you just missed something on television, because it would have been already uploaded– in 720p quality–ready for your viewing.
Looks like Surf The Channel is down too, which sucks for me because I haven’t yet watched the latest installment of True Blood. Shucks.
by Miné Salkin | Jun 29, 2010 | news, technology

YouTube has developed and released a new video editor that allows users to easily cut and remix their videos in an easier, more steamlined way.
While it’s no Final Cut Pro, or even iMovie for that matter, the free video program is pretty sweet. You know that face that people give after their tutorial, when they’re turning their webcam off? That’s easily croppable with the scissor tool when a video clip is on the timeline. Not only that, but it offers up thousands of songs and audio from their AudioSwap library.
In my first short documentary, Remixing Culture, I took a quick look at the YouTube Mashup Helper that was developed in 2007. YouTube’s newest offering is way better. You can even make a mashup of all your previous videos as they show up under your files tab on the left screen.
Try it yourself! Be warned though: it’s very addictive.
by Miné Salkin | Jun 18, 2010 | albums, news
The 2010 Polaris Prize long list was released yesterday, and boy is it tasty. Now in it’s fifth year, the Prize seeks out talented Canadian musicians and awards them a hefty monetary award to cover the recording costs of a new album. I’m no juror, but I’ve got a short list of my own.
1. Caribou, Swim.
What do you get when you combine an IQ of 200 and a genuinely breathtaking sense of whimsy? You get Dan Snaith. Part human calculator, part unrestrained musical darling and full blown crazy.
2. Dan Mangan, Nice, Nice, Very Nice
This album name also aptly describes Mangan’s ass. But seriously. He’s got a gorgeous voice, which can be raw and throaty at just the right times.
3.Plants and Animals, La La Land
I’m a believer that having a 1:2 French:English ratio is great for a band. This trio has grown immensely from their debut Parc Avenue, after mastering the Montreal-summer sound and rediscovering distorted riffs and fuzzy pedals. Plus, the album was released on 4/20.
Despite an incredibly successful year, the tragic death of drummer Devon Clifford recently put this Abbotsford rock outfit in a tough place. Creatively, XXXX has some downright catchy beats, the proper amount of ferocity and a full dose of lyrical sophistication. Bravo.
5. Shad, TSOL
Shad’s come a long way. Witty, well-spoken and thoughtful beyond his years, this hip-hop artist has some serious talent that is finally showing up on the national radar. Respect.
by Miné Salkin | Jun 15, 2010 | albums, news

Arguably one of the most predominantly powerful bands that really got Montréal music out to the rest of the nation, Arcade Fire recently baited fans with two songs from their upcoming The Suburbs. Being released by Merge Records on August 3, this is the rock collective’s third full-length offering.
Hosted by Soundcloud, you can listen to the following track by following the links below:
“Ready to Start” here
“We Used to Wait” here
This band has been making some pretty epic albums so far. In 2008 they won two awards, a Juno for Alternative Album of the Year and the Meteors Best International Album award for Neon Bible.